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New Milford High School

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Option 2: Alternate Forms of Credit

New Milford High School provides a superior education by utilizing multiple and diverse paths to success for all children. Students are encouraged to explore educational experiences that are meaningful and relevant, and that provide opportunities to explore and achieve at high levels. N.J.A.C.6A:8-5.1(a)1ii, commonly known as “Option Two,” permits district boards of education to establish curricular activities or programs aimed at achieving the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for promotion and graduation purposes.


Option 2 serves as an alternative to traditional high school courses. Option 2 programs will allow students to obtain credit for learning experiences outside of the traditional classroom environment. These experiences provide real-world connections not available in the school setting. This regulation requires a set of policies and procedures that  permit a student or group of students to meet or exceed the core standards in any subject area  through alternative activities. Option 2 cannot be used to replace courses offered at NMHS, but rather to enhance the existing curriculum. The following are the current opportunities under Option 2.


Courses for Advancement/Enrichment          Grades 10-12


Students may apply to take an outside course to include on their transcript and/or to advance a course level. A  common example of advanced coursework is the student who takes an additional mathematics course to advance to the next level of math or a world language that is not offered for study at our high school. Advancement/Enrichment classes can be taken in-person or virtually. The cost is borne by the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s). The grade earned from any approved program and/or any college/university will appear on the student’s transcript and will be factored into their grade point average (GPA).  


Prerequisite: Prior approval must be obtained using the Advancement/Enrichment course application.


Independent Study          Grades 10-12


Independent Study offers additional educational experiences for high school students, in a particular discipline or area of interest, to increase their knowledge above and beyond the current curricular offerings. Independent Studies can be done either inside or outside of the high school and must be supervised by a New Milford High School faculty member or other approved outside professional/mentor. Examples of Independent Studies include: Student Tech Team, advanced independent research or experience, etc. Independent Study experience will appear on the student’s transcript. Upon completion the student will earn both credit and either a “Pass” or “Fail” (P or F) which will not be factored into their GPA.  


Prerequisite: Prior approval must be obtained using the Independent Study application.


Alternative Physical Education          Grades 10-12


N.J.S.A. 18A:35-5 requires each Board of Education to conduct as a part of the instruction in their public school courses in health, safety, and physical education. N.J.S.A.18A:35-8 states that at least two and one-half hours of each school week shall aggregated to time spent in a Physical Education class. According to N.J.A.C. 6A:8-5.1, the graduation requirements for the content area of Health, Safety, and Physical Education, high school students must complete 3.75 credits in health, safety, and physical education during each year of enrollment, distributed as 150 minutes per week each year. 


Physical Education Opt-Out A-3873 permits public school districts to craft their policy under Option 2 allowing high school students in the tenth, eleventh, or twelfth grades to opt out of physical education while they are participating in an outside high-level athletic program. 

Students approved for this alternative physical education option will report to the Media Center during their assigned physical education period. Students will not be allowed to substitute another class in place of their physical education class. 

Students cannot opt out of their Health class.  

Prerequisite: Prior approval must be obtained using the Alternative Physical Education application.


Financial Literacy          Grades 10-12

As a state high school graduation requirement, all students must earn 2.5 credits in Financial, Economic Business, and Entrepreneurial Business Literacy. This summer online option through Educere may be used to fulfill this graduation requirement. The cost is borne by the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s). The grade earned will appear on the student’s transcript and will be factored into their grade point average (GPA).  

The request for this online summer course for financial literacy must be completed by June 24. 

Prerequisite: Prior approval must be obtained using the Summer Course Request Form for Financial Literacy course application.