Physical Education
Joseph Ricciardelli - Department Liaison
New Milford High School provides Grades 9-12 with daily Physical Education and Health. All students are expected to meet the requirements for graduation and are given the opportunity to explore new horizons in the PE & Health department. The staff at NMHS offers a variety of activities in PE such as Physical Fitness as well as Team and Individual Sports. The Health department offers classes such as Driver's Education, Introduction to Athletic Training & Nursing, Teen Pep as well as CPR/First Aid in addition to the NJ Student Learning Standards for all high school students.
The education of the whole body is aligned with the expectations for the state of New Jersey and prepares our students for life-long fitness.
For more information go to our Athletic Page
Director of Athletics
School Nurse
Kayleigh Zucchi ext. 2002
Athletic Trainer
Lauren Gramegna
ext. 2207
Physical Education & Health Staff
Greg Kelly
ext. 7331