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New Milford High School

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World Language/ESL

World Language Department Philosophy

In a society that is increasingly becoming more and more diverse, it is especially important for students to learn a foreign language.  The study of foreign languages prepares today’s youth for tomorrow’s opportunities by supporting basic skills instruction, developing cross-cultural understanding, and preparing our students to enter the global marketplace.  Our core curriculum is directly aligned with the ACTFL Foreign Language Standards.

Marcela Arteaga

PHONE: 201-262-0172 ext.7314

Yamile Tejeda

PHONE: 201-262-0172 ext. 7531

Sandra Wasserman

PHONE: 201-262-0172 ext. 7491

Daisy Ramos

PHONE: 201-262-0172 ext. 7188

Sophia Weng

PHONE: 201-262-0172 ext. 7321


Linda Phayre

PHONE: 201-262-0172 ext. 7318