Art Caughlan
Art Caughlan
Thank you so much for this very nice honor. It is my privilege to be chosen as this year’s recipient and to be in the company of all the previous winners.
My best wishes to the parents and families of the graduates, the New Milford High School faculty, administrators, Board of Education members, the New Milford Mayor and Council members present, honored guests, and most especially to the members of the graduating class of 2011.
I would like to make jus a few short comments:
From the 1960’s, the early days of New Milford High School.... Academics, sports programs, music, theater, and countless extra curricular activities, have all worked toward one goal.... to make NMHS a very special place. Looking back and seeing the progress that has been made, I believe that goal has been achieved. New Milford High School is a very special place with very special people.
You know..... in some ways, 1965, the year of my graduation seems like a long time ago. In other ways, that day seems like it was yesterday. Time passes very quickly. You too will come to realize that time is your most previous commodity... use it wisely.
I remember my graduation night, particularly since we were graduating on the football field, and all of us were caught in an unexpected thunderstorm.... Our caps and gowns got drenched, and then finally we received our diplomas in a sweltering hot gymnasium... no air conditioning! Not a pretty sight!
So now you are going to graduate. You have the foundation. You have been given all the tools. You are ready to move on. You have developed and understand your strengths, and you have identified your weaknesses. Build upon those strengths, and nurture the weaknesses.
Set your goals high. When you reach a goal... set another. Continue to challenge yourself every day. Become a good listener. When you really listen to what the other person is saying, you will continue to learn and benefit from others.
You will be the ones to save the environment, to fix the economy, to bring peace to nations, and to create equality among the races. You will be the inventors, the dreamers, the philosophers.
Think big... think your own ideas... do not be smothered by the ideas of the majority... be your own person.
Dare to take a risk. Have faith in yourself. Remember, our nation has been built on the ideas and courage of individuals not afraid to follow their dreams.
In thinking about what I would say tonight, I was reminded of the cartoon series that my 3 year old grandson enjoys called “Bob the Builder”. Throughout the theme song, the words, “Yes he can” ring out to the questions, “Can he build it?” YES HE CAN. That should be the thought in your mind right now. “YES WE CAN, YES I CAN”.
You can do anything that you set your mind to.
So, as you move to the next phase of life’s challenges, Work hard, and you will truly achieve great things. YES YOU CAN!!
Good luck and congratulations to each of you, and thank you again for honoring me as Alumni of the Year!