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New Milford High School

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Filip Piasevoli

Filip Piasevoli

Fil graduated from New Milford High School in 2010, finishing a journey that started at Gibbs Elementary School, followed by three years at David E Owens Middle School. While at the high school, he enjoyed success as part of the football, baseball, and indoor track teams. He was recognized with multiple accolades in football and baseball, including a first-team all-county selection in baseball as a senior. Additionally, Fil was a member of the school’s National Honor Society, French Honor Society, and class president for all four years. His time at New Milford High School was highlighted by several unforgettable experiences, including studying the Holocaust with Mrs. Tambuscio in Europe as a freshman, competing on a televised high school trivia show led by Mr. Deveraux as a junior, and convincing Mr. Manuppelli to allow him and Kenny Van Saders to dress as Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan for Halloween of their senior year.

Fil always took great pride in representing New Milford High School, both within the school walls and without, serving as New Milford’s delegate to both the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Conference as a sophomore and the American Legion Boys State program as a junior. At graduation, Fil was the recipient of New Milford High School’s Knierim Award.

New Milford High School sparked Fil’s passion for math and analytical thinking and took that inspiration into his undergraduate studies at Boston College and a Master’s Degree at Harvard University. While at Boston College, he met his wife Jessica and the two now live together in Manhattan. Currently, Fil works as a Staff Data Scientist and Team Lead at Transfix, a logistics and supply chain start-up based in Manhattan. Using his background in statistics and computer science, his work is focused on forecasting the cost of freight and solving complex supply chain issues. Fil has presented his work at national data science conferences and is currently awaiting the approval of his first patent.