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New Milford High School

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Sherri Ozawa

Sherri Ozawa

Sherri Ozawa, RN, was a 1986 Graduate of NMHS. Since finishing her undergraduate schooling she has been involved in the field of patient blood management and bloodless medicine and surgery for close to two decades. She is the Clinical Director of The Institute for Patient Blood Management and Bloodless Medicine and Surgery at Englewood Hospital and Medical Center. She is also a founding member and currently Executive Director for the Society for the Advancement of Blood Management, a growing International Medical Society with the mission of promoting Patient Blood Management as a standard of care for patients worldwide.  She has been responsible for creating one of the largest and widely known multidisciplinary patient blood management programs in the world. She has lectured extensively throughout North America and all over the world, with a particular focus on the creation and implementation of sustainable, organized Patient Blood Management Programs. She has published numerous peer reviewed abstracts, posters, book chapters, and articles on the subject, and continues to be actively involved in research in the field. She has served as an advisor/consultant to well over two hundred patient blood management programs under development throughout the United States and beyond. Sherri actively teaches physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals in training at the university and academic level. She has also worked extensively with regulatory agencies and other academic organizations, such as The Joint Commission and United States Department of Defense, to analyze and develop better practices for blood management in natural and manmade disasters as well as combat casualties. Additionally, Sherri has advised and served as an expert for numerous medical and public media outlets, including Time Magazine, The New York Times, NBC News, CNBC, MSNBC, The New Yorker, Fox News and many others.  Currently, she serves as an Investigator on the first US Federal Government Grant via the Department of Defense funding the creation of an organized training program for physicians and other healthcare professionals in the field of patient blood management.