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New Milford High School

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Freshman Class

Here is where you can find up-to-minute news for the class of 2028.

Anticipated Activities / Fundraisers

Class of 2028 Apparel Sale

Spirit Week T-Shirts

Bagel Sales

Bake Sales

Chipotle fundraiser 

Boo Grams

Holiday Breakfast

Candy Cane Sale

GO RED for women!

Kiss a Senior Goodbye


Good Luck Class of 2028!

Thanks again for your support,
Patti Bernardo
Freshman class advisor
201-262-0172 ext. 7107

Class Officers:

President- Camila Hidalgo Almonte
Vice President- Christian Pryka
Corresponding Secretary- Kate Putrino
Treasurer- Kayla Erik
Social Media Coordinator- Michael Bekdas
Class Representatives- Alexander Labe and Jershlyn Eliancy