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New Milford High School

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Mr. Lou Manuppelli


About the Principal

It is with great pride that I welcome you to New Milford High School, home of the Knights! As the building principal, I take the responsibility seriously of providing the very best education possible to the young adults of New Milford. I am extremely fortunate to have an outstanding staff of teachers, administrators, administrative assistants, coaches and custodians all dedicated to the sole purpose of making New Miflord High School the best it can be.

We are very proud of the exciting programs offered to students at NMHS. All our academic courses are College Prep, Honors or AP level and includes a wide array of offerings from Mandarin to Forensics and Advanced 3D Design to Anthropology.  For a complete list of course offerings, visit  the program of studies on our school’s webpage.In addition to our core classes, we also provide students unique opportunities through the Academies of New Milford.  This engaging program covers three distinct areas: Academy of Arts and Letters, Stem Academy, and the Academy for Global Leadership. The goal of the Academies is to cultivate emerging professionals who exhibit the knowledge, skill, character, and work ethic necessary for success in the global marketplace.

Parents, I am requesting that you get involved in every aspect of the NMHS Community to guarantee your children have outstanding opportunities to learn and grow in a 21st Century facility and that they are prepared with the skills to thrive in future academic endeavors. Please participate by attending sporting events, cultural appreciation evenings, PTO Meetings, and academic events with your children. Our historic theater has been recently renovated by community members to highlight the importance of the arts in the lives of our students.

Finally, feel free to reach out to me to find out more of what New Milford High School has to offer or if I can be of service to you in any way. Ultimately, we are on this journey together. Therefore, we need to work collaboratively to ensure all NMHS students have a rewarding high school experience.


Mr. Manuppelli